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Our Online Store and more!

Sarah Courtney

I am so excited to be opening our online store!

I was wanting to create an online store for people to access amazing hair care with professional and personalised advice. I am looking for people to come to me for advice for me to personalise your hair care to suit you.

I can organise a phone or online consultation to assist you in getting your hair in the best condition possible. As much as I don't want to talk about the doom and gloom of our current climate,

I am so inspired by businesses changing how

we communicate with our clients, community and other businesses. Business innovation is key at this moment.

Just think, if you are at home what perfect timing to let your hair rest and be taken care of! Less damage from the sun and styling tools means better condition let alone if you have the perfect hair care to go with that!

I was always creating an online store and now I have been forced to do so.

I am sourcing hair care that is designed to give the hair high shine, high moisture and therefor shiny hair! I am also stocking a handpicked range of bridal hair pieces which I look forward to sharing with you!

For brides who are planning their wedding please be aware our 2021 is looking very busy so please don't miss out on your spot and contact us! We are offering all our brides free consultations around their wedding hair to plan ahead and look at planning hair trials for the future.

I will be looking to share information with you through Facebook and Instagram and if you would like an phone or online consultation for hair care, hair accessories or bridal hair please email to book your appointment.

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